Person-centered care
In the face of disease such as dementia it is important to remember that each person is unique with their own life story, personality and needs. At Private Nurse, our approach is based on person-centered care, which puts the person at the center rather than the disease. By understanding and respecting the individual's situation, we believe we can create a framework that promotes the best possible quality of life for those who need our support.
This approach is particularly important for caregivers of people with dementia, as it helps maintain dignity and respect for the patient.
What is person-centered care?
Person-centered care is a philosophy of care based on the belief that all people have the right to be seen as individuals, regardless of their illness or condition. This approach focuses on understanding and respecting the individual's perspective, life history and habits. For people with dementia, this means that care is tailored to their specific needs and wishes so that they can live a life of maximum wellbeing and meaning.
At Private Nurse, we believe that caring is about creating an environment where the patient feels seen, heard and understood. This requires a deep understanding of the individual's situation, and this is where our dedicated nurses play a central role.

The essence of person-centered care
Respect for the individual
In person-centered care, it is crucial to see the person rather than the disease. Everyone has their own personality and life story that is respected and included in care. Our nurses work closely with both the client and the relatives to ensure that the care is in accordance with the individual's preferences and needs.
Focus on psychological needs
Person-centered care is not only about meeting physical needs, but also addressing psychological and emotional needs. This can include everything from providing safety and comfort to ensuring the client feels included in social settings.
Customized care
Every person's experience of dementia is different, which is why we adapt our care to the individual's situation. This means that we tailor our approach based on the client's needs and wishes.
How person-centered care makes a difference
For caregivers, navigating the complex needs that come with dementia can be challenging. Person-centered care can make a significant difference by providing necessary support and maintaining dignity and identity. At Private Nurse, we work to create a safe and supportive environment where the client's needs are always at the center.
Our experience shows that when the person with dementia receives care that is tailored to their personal needs, their quality of life improves significantly. This can manifest in small things like a smile, increased participation in social activities or a greater sense of calm and security.
At the heart of our approach to care
Person-centered care is at the heart of everything we do at Private Nurse. We believe that the best care is achieved when we see the person behind the disease and adapt our care to the individual's needs. For relatives of people with dementia, this approach can be a source of great comfort and support as it ensures that their loved ones receive the respect and care they deserve.