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About Private Nurse

Tailor-made care pathways

It is our wish that you and your relatives in your meeting with Private Nurse will receive and experience professional, aesthetic and compassionate nursing care at its very best. We tailor care programs of high professional quality, and we believe that care is the best medicine. We are convinced that healing happens in the encounter between people in aesthetic environments and when nursing is based on discretion and nursing virtues. Private Nurse is your private alternative and we always work under full discretion.

We take care of people

Our core values

At Private Nurse, we are committed to our values as part of the synergy between a great working environment, high quality healthcare, compassion and our nursing virtues. Our nurses' professional judgment is one of our most important tools when providing private nursing care to our clients. Private Nurses' approach to the client is that we start with basic nursing care. Here it is about identifying the client's need for care and helping with the tasks related to this. Hence our core values which are:

  • Ro
  • Compassion
  • Aesthetic & spiritual care
  • Professionalism
About us

Nursing discretion

At Private Nurse, our nurses engage their senses when providing nursing care.

What do they see and sense?
In the nursing world, this method is called working with the nursing virtues, of which judgment is one. Discernment is not fixed in models, but is an omnipresent sensation that the nurse is constantly working with.

Discernment is the ability to sense and evaluate the sensations and make decisions based on them. At Private Nurse, professional judgment is our most important tool in the care and nursing of our clients.

Our nursing care
We take care of people

Our staff

At Private Nurse, we only have Danish authorized nurses and midwives on staff. We believe that we get satisfied clients and happy employees by living our values in word and deed. We do this by creating a work environment where the unique contribution of all our employees is appreciated.

We lead the way by acting, interacting and engaging with the people we manage, and together we create a culture of growth and learning. We take good care of our people so they can take good care of our clients.

Want to be part of Private Nurse? Apply as a Private Nurse.

Nurses at Private Nurse

How do we

Private Nurse provides nursing and elderly care in complete discretion, wherever and whenever our clients need it.

Our nurses are all Danish authorized and up to date on the latest methods in healthcare practice. Through our record-keeping system, we keep healthcare records in accordance with the Danish Patient Safety Authority's guidelines in this area.

We provide a permanent team of nurses for our clients, and the nurses for each team are always carefully selected on the basis of their qualifications and human qualities.

A team will always need to be approved by you, our client, before we activate a nursing intervention. Our nurses and midwives can, for example, come to you at home when you are hospitalized, at your workplace, in a nursing home or at your residence abroad. If you need nursing travel assistance for treatment or holidays at home or abroad, a team will be put together to take care of your nursing needs.

Private Nurse provides security and safety
We take care of people

The aesthetics of nursing

At Private Nurse we work with the surroundings and moods around our clients. We do this because we believe that we can tune the mind with the sounds, smells, colors and nuances that we know affect a person's well-being. We act as "scenographers", so to speak, in the client's space and in this way we try to create a foundation for feelings of well-being and balance.

Some of our clients are so ill that they rely on others to create this comfortable, calm and healing atmosphere around them. At Private Nurse, we call this phenomenon working with the aesthetics of nursing.


We've had good words to say

  • "Dear PrivateNurse and the whole team,

    Thank you very much for stepping in in an acute and very critical situation for my mother and for our whole family. Your professionalism and care/parish was amazing and very competent.

    Highest recommendations from here."

    - Frederik
  • "I can highly recommend Private Nurse, who at a few weeks' notice jumped in and helped us during a stressful illness with ALS, where we suddenly needed professional nursing assistance for my father. In such a stressful situation, it is important that communication is professional and controlled, and that the nurses are calm and competent. This was definitely the case with Private Nurse. We were always in close contact with their nurse coordinator and all the nurses who came to my father were skilled, responsible and empathetic. It gave us the peace of mind we needed in our final days. So my warmest recommendations from here. "

    - Daughter, Louise -
  • "In connection with various severe complications after my mother had hip surgery, we had Johanne assigned to us as a private nurse. Johanne managed the extensive medication and not least pain relief, and my mother gained confidence in Johanne already after the first visit. The professional help that Johanne has provided, her care and general sympathetic nature has meant a lot to my mother and the rest of the family during a difficult time. Thank you so much for you, Johanne."

    - Marc
  • "After our father's death, it was difficult for our mother to be alone a lot and we could not cover visits to her every day ourselves. Therefore, it was a great support that Private Nurse was able to help at very short notice with 2-3 weekly visits to our mother for a couple of months.

    Pleasant visits with chats and short walks helped to gradually help her through the first difficult time".

    - Gitte, daughter of client in Holte
  • "After our father's death, it was difficult for our mother to be alone a lot and we could not cover visits to her every day ourselves. Therefore, it was a great support that Private Nurse was able to help at very short notice with 2-3 weekly visits to our mother for a couple of months.

    Pleasant visits with chats and short walks helped to gradually help her through the first difficult time".

    - Gitte, daughter of client in Holte
  • "In 2022, I fell ill and was hospitalized. My son, who lives abroad, had been recommended to contact Johanne from Private Nurse, who came to see me at the hospital the same day. Here she and my children made sure that I could return home to my own house with private nursing and physiotherapists around the clock. I am convinced that if I had stayed in the hospital, I would never have come home again. ....

    With the help of intensive training, care, home cooking and intellectual companionship, I've gone from being virtually disabled to not just walking again, but walking WELL! I sleep at night because my days are filled with conversations, road trips and flavorful food.

    My nurses are not just nurses who come and go. They are kind, skilled, helpful, interesting and interested. They remember all my little habits and things that are important to me. Overall, having them with me means that my life is enriched with care. They make me feel like a whole person again, not just an old man.

    We talk a lot, converse. I think our conversations keep my head going. Because I've been surrounded by a lot of people all my life, including all my coworkers through my work. I retired at 92 and never had a problem until a year ago when I was hospitalized with an infection. My nurses from Private Nurse helped me get back to my life and because of them I am once again attending communions, bridge nights and other family gatherings. Last month I celebrated my 97th birthday with family from all over Europe.

    One of the things that has made me the happiest is that I feel that my nurses are telling the truth when they express their joy in coming to me. In fact, I feel it, that they like my company. I appreciate immensely all our conversations about climate change, the world and nowadays about the entry of robots into the political agenda, AI. You've almost become like family, besides all seven of my children and 32 grandchildren and great-grandchildren."

    - 97 year old client, Rungsted 2023 -
  • "When our father became terminally ill, he wanted to spend his last days at home and we struggled to get public assistance, but ran into long waits and summer vacations.

    Private Nurse and the entire team were our saviors! In just a few days, they set up absolutely amazing help and support with visits and care every day and were incredibly flexible in quickly adapting care as the disease progressed.

    Thanks to Private Nurse and the amazing and highly professional nurses, our father got the end of life he wanted."

    - Family in Nærum -

About us brochure

To find out more about what Private Nurse can offer, read our brochure online here.
